Leagues. Camps. Tournaments.

Ultimate is Community.

Missoula Ultimate is in the process of updating our strategic vision. Help us by filling out a short survey! Missoula Ultimate Community Survey

Club Ultimate

Missoula is home to two club teams, both playing in the mixed division.

Montana Moondog is a collaboration between players in Missoula and Bozeman, Montana. Moondog was founded in 2019 and took 12th at the USA Ultimate Club Championships that year. In the two seasons since they have finished just short of nationals, landing them in the Top Select Flight. Moondog tryouts take place in the spring.

Missoula Fishpix was also established in 2019 and represents the community of Missoula at ultimate tournaments around the region. Fishpix practices twice per week, travels to tournaments all summer, and hosts a tournament in Missoula in June.


College Ultimate

The University of Montana has a men’s team called Smokejump and a women’s team called Pillowfight. Both teams recruit players in the fall, travel to tournaments throughout the school year, and compete in the USA Ultimate college series in the spring.

High School Ultimate

Hellgate High School is home to an ultimate team called “The Zoo". The Zoo plays in the spring against other western Montana teams. If you are interested in getting involved or starting a new team at another school, contact us here!


Pick-up Ultimate

Pick-up games are an important part of the Missoula ultimate community. Pick-up traditionally starts on St. Patrick’s Day and runs until Halloween. Pick-up happens on Wednesdays (except during Spring League) at “Riverbowl”, or John H Toole Park. Start times vary by season, but it usually happens for the last 2-3 hours of daylight.


"A refreshing reminder of what sport was meant to be, and still, on rare occasions, can be."

-Howard Cosell